Rachel Barber
1983 -1999
Official Memorial Website
Administered by Rachel's parents Michael and Elizabeth Barber
Rachel was born September 12th, 1999. On the day she was born I cut a lock of her hair for Mike. We still have it. There was a time when I thought maybe one day, in a perfect world, we could clone Rachel. But even if it were possible we would never do this, because the new Rachel would be a twin with new beginnings; and there are - no perfect worlds. So each year on her birthday we remember Rachel with love and memories.
I love Rachel in this photograph, which was taken about 6 months before she was murdered. I think it captures her natural everyday look.
Rachel loved blue cornflowers.
'Mid scarlet of poppies and gold of the corn,
In wide-spreading fields were the Cornflowers born;
But now I look round me, and what do I see?
That lilies and roses are neighbours to me!
There's a beautiful lawn, there are borders and beds,
Where all kinds of flowers raise dilicate heads;
For this is a garden, and here, a Boy Blue,
I live and am merry the whole summer through.
My blue is the blue that I always have worn,
And still I remember the poppies and corn.
Language of Flowers:
Corn Flower (Bachelor's Buttons)
Rita shared these two images
in memory of Rachel on one of
Kristie shared this in memory of her
school friend Rachel
Laura, Rachel's friend, shared this in memory of Rachel for her 30th birthday.