Rachel Barber
1983 -1999
Official Memorial Website
Administered by Rachel's parents Michael and Elizabeth Barber
Joy (Southall)
The story behind Nanny Joy's most meaningful photo that she took of Rachel and her sisters.
(See below photograph)
Thursday, 11th November, 2013.
I am spending time with Elizabeth and Michael looking out of large windows onto a simply beautiful garden and mountains in the distance.
Many thoughts come to me - when you find yourself in your 87th year there are quite a few.
I enjoyed using my camera so much - especially with grandchildren I was so blessed to have with me on many school holidays. So all that is on camera and in photo albums, so that I have only to open to see and enjoy - not like today with computers.
But as I sit here I look at one photograph on the wall blown up to life-size of Rachel, Ashleigh-Rose and Heather. This was taken on my back verandah by me. All three sisters are dressed by Rachel (who had rummaged through my cupboards) to perform one of their many performances they gave, as directed by Rachel, for my benefit in my living room. I look at it now and think if ever I was here on this earth, at just the right time, it was to take this photograph. And to be honest I am slightly - no, very pleased with myself - for taking this photo. 'Dear Rachel with her sisters'. They look like a William Morris group of Pre-Raphaelite children.
William Morris wallpaper print