Rachel Barber
1983 -1999
Official Memorial Website
Administered by Rachel's parents Michael and Elizabeth Barber
This is a page for those of you around the world who have sent thoughtful timeline images. I do not have an open forum and these images have been sent to me through other means. It would be lovely if you can tell me which country you come from and, if they are not free downloads, to whom I should acknowledge the work. Some other images sent to me have already been shared on the poetry page. Thank you all for your support.
Shared Timeline images
Shared by:
Veronika Karau from Germany (16/11/2013)
"For Rachel she has become an angel, there I am sure."
Shared by:
Rita Ann Ginnelly from England
"... Elizabeth, I saw this and thought you would find it as beautiful as I did."
This is such a peaceful photograph that I saw on my friend's facebook page that I just had to share it with you. Thank you Rita.
Shared by:
Kirstie Shaw from Australia
shared this on her facebook timeline. It is so thoughtful I asked if I could share it here.
Shared by:
Rebecca Curtis Loader from Australia
I had been feeling melancholy and Rebecca shared this with me with words of comfort. I then told her I was going to go and plant a new flower bed, and she wrote back these beautiful words;
" I used to look at a flower seed and think surely that's proof that God exists. When you think of all the vibrant colours and beautiful perfumes that exist inside each one, they really are little miracles."
Rebecca then wrote have fun planting, which I will definitely do. When I was sharing this lovely staircase here I looked again at all the lovely flowers leading up on each side of the stairs, and thought again of those tender words of beauty to be found in a single flower seed.
This one is shared by me;
Rachel's mum.
(December, 2013)
Shared by;
Rita (2014)
from England